How to add and edit a Slot Machine Plugin

Instructions for adding and editing the Slot Machine plugin on your Justuno Promotion

At a glance:

Getting Started

Adding as a Plugin

Gamification Options


Last updated 8/31/2021

Getting Started

Using fun methods such as the "Slot Machine design can increase engagement by up to 50%. There are two ways to add the Slot Machine to your promotions. We have a great blog post the advantages of using these elements on your promotion: Double Your Marketing Conversion With Gamification | Justuno

  • You can setup a lead capture promotion and this will be one of the available templates.
  • If you like the design of an existing promotion, then you can add the plugin to be a part of your promotion.

Adding Slot Machine Plugin

You will need to ensure you have a form submission or CTA layer to allow the user to engage with the Slot Machine. 

  1. In the design canvas, on the left hand side select the submenu "Add Layer".
  2. You can select the "Slot Machine" option from the layers option:
    Slot machine Justuno
  3. Once the plugin is added, you will find options on the right-hand side. The top option is ALWAYS the winning option.

Please note: The winning option MUST BE the best option you offer on your Slot Machine to avoid violating sweepstakes and contest laws. 

Justun-SlotMachine-winning-options4. Below the winning option, you can set other non-winning options to display in the wheel.

Non-winning options

5. Next, you can choose a different background and border color. This will be under the non-winning options images:Change color slot machine

How to Create a Slot Machine that has Different Winning Prizes

If you are interested in creating different winning options, you can do so by duplicating each promotion and have a different winning option for each promotion. Then create an A/B test with each promotion and different winning options. The broken down steps are as follows: 

  1. Duplicate your promotion to have as many "winning options" as you choose. To learn how to duplicate a promotion, take a look at this article. 
  2. Once you duplicate the number of promotions you want to have as winning options, head into the design canvas and update the "winning option" to be different for each promotion. 
  3. Once each promotion is updated, head into your A/B testing area and create a test. To learn how to do so please reference this article. 
  4. Once you get to the area to choose your base and variants, you can choose as many variants as you please from the promotions you duplicated. From here you can even choose how much you want to "weigh" the variants which will then weigh how often each promotions fires. 
    a/b test justuno slot machine
  5. From there you can save your A/B test and your Slot Machine with multiple outcomes will be live! 
Slot Machine Disclaimer

When using this plugin, please ensure you have a disclaimer listed on your site and hyperlinked in your Slot Machine promotion. 

Please be advised that in most governed areas including all 50 states, sweepstakes are not legally allowed to be set winners.  They must be randomized, although winning odds are allowed so long as they are described in detail on the game. Justuno has taken a different approach to helping navigate those legal waters while keeping it simple and more conversion friendly for your website visitors.   Our sweepstake related games have set winners, but we recommend always setting the winning prize as the best possible prize shown.  Because the website visitor always wins the best prize, you shouldn’t have to worry about the legalities of not having it randomized and at the same time you are ensuring the visitor has the best experience and thus has the most likely reason to purchase from you in that visitor session. In contrast to a version that would be randomized, where the website visitor may hold off purchasing from you because they saw there is a better prize offered in the game and they want to try again later.


Looking for more advanced Justuno use cases? Check out our Academy section, where you'll find step by step instructions for how to implement high-converting strategies and best practices for onsite promotions. Justuno Academy


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