How to Find a Class or ID for our Matching Element Rules

How to leverage your browser's inspector tools to find the matching element for your promotion's advanced rules.

Last update: 01/03/2022

Example 1: To target your cart total, a rule can be added that allows you to show a promotion after your cart has reached $500. Here is how you can accomplish that!

  1. Head to your cart page, if you don't already have an item in the cart please add something!
  2. Right-click on the cart total and click inspect. If you are not using chrome check out these articles on how to inspect the element for Safari, Firefox, and IE.

Inspect cart total


  1. For this example, I like to target the class or ID above the class "money" because there might be some pages that have class = money as well, so targeting basket-right and desktop-3 tablet-6 mobile-3 and money ensures that JUST this class is being targeted on this page.
  2. When targeting an ID you must use a # before that element and for class use a ".". And when elements are on the same line, you do NOT use a space in between the elements. You only put a space in between elements that are on different lines. So for the above example the matching element rule would look like: .money.
  3. If you want to trigger a pop up when the basket is above $500 here is how to do that and how the rule would look: .money:sMore(500)

Set triggerCreate rules

Example 2: To target a link on your site to trigger an informational promotion, follow these steps.

  1. Head to the page with the image or button on your site
  2. Right-click and click inspect (use the links above for browsers besides chrome).
  3. For this example, I want to target the free shipping text. When targeting an ID you must use a # before that element and for class use a ".". And when elements are on the same line, you do NOT use a space in between the elements. You only put a space in between elements that are on different lines. To target a paragraph or text inside an element you can use > p.

Trigger pop up


  1. Here is how to matching element would appear and how to rule would look: #hello >p

Set up rules


Example 3: To target your logo on the site to trigger a promotion, here are the steps to do that!

  1. Head to the page with the image on your site
  2. Right-click and click inspect (use the links above for browsers besides chrome).
  3. For this example, I want to target the free shipping text. When targeting an ID you must use a # before that element and for class use a ".". And when elements are on the same line, you do NOT use a space in between the elements. You only put a space in between elements that are on different lines.

example three inspect


  1. For this example, ID logo would be targeted like this: #logo. Here is how the rule would look:

example three rules


  1. If you ever desire to target specific text tied to a <a href= or meta-tags, the screenshots below show what to look out for.

insert alt text

In the example above, you could target the col-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3 pt-2 pb-2 as then to target the actual text, you would add a:sContains("10% Discount off your first order") and mention the actual alt text.

  1. For meta-tags like below-

content of tag

You could tag it as followed - meta[name="description"][content*="something"] The 'something' would be the text tied to content.

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