Responsys Integration

Covers configuring Justuno to add emails to a selected List in Responsys


  1. Log in to your Responsys account and note two items to be used later:
    a. Your login URL. This will be https://interact2 or https://interact5
    b. Copy your desired List name as it appears here:

  2. Log in to Justuno and navigate to Promotions > Edit Integrations.

  3. Locate the Responsys tile and click “Connect”.
    a. Select your Responsys Login server from Step 1 above.
    b. Enter your Responsys username.
    c. Enter your Responsys password.
    d. Enter your Responsys List Name as it appears in Step 1 above.
    e. Click “Save”
Manage lists
edit integrations
save credentials

Justuno will now sync new signups to your selected Responsys list as they come in!