Listrak Integration Using Zapier

Below we cover the best route to take when wanting to pass data to Listrak. This will use our Zapier integration. This will require an account with Zapier.


Automatically trigger a message series to your contacts, similar to the set up in Integrating Google Forms with Listrak Using Zapier.

To send an automated follow-up email series, please follow Step 2 in this guide. Please set up applicable segmentation fields and an external event that allows contacts to enter the conversation. 

  • TIP: When setting up the segmentation field, be sure to set the data type to checkbox.



Listrak and Justuno are currently in public beta with Zapier. Please click the following links to accept Listrak's beta with Zapier, and Justuno's beta here.

The last step is to connect Justuno with Zapier and Listrak. Create a Zap by following the below steps.

1. Navigate to the Justuno Promotions Dashboard.
2. Then, navigate to the edit icon on the promotion you'd like to connect to Zapier.
3. Click Edit Integrations.

4. Navigate to the Zapier tile.
5. Click Connect.
6. Follow the first step on the popup to accept Justuno's integration with Zapier. 

7. After you've clicked the link in step 1 on the popup, log into Zapier to begin the integration.
8. Click Accept Invite & Build a Zap.

9. Then, create a trigger by searching for Justuno.
10. Click New Email.
11. Click Save + Continue.
12. Click Connect Account.
13. Enter your Justuno Email and Password.

14. Click Continue.
15. Click Allow to allow permission.

16. Select and test your Justuno Account with Zapier.
17. Click Save + Continue.
18. Select a piece of sample information to set up the Zap.

19. Click Continue.
20. Next, set up an action step by clicking Add a Step on the left-hand side of the screen.

21. Then, click Action/Search.
22. Search and select Listrak.
23. Select Add/Update Subscriber.

24. Click Save + Continue.
25. Select and authenticate your Listrak Account with Zapier. If you haven't previously set this up, please authenticate your Listrak Account at this time.
26. Click Save + Continue.

27. Configure the Zap Settings. Please note that the Email Address, List, and Override Unsubscribe options are required. Please map the email address field to the same email in the drop-down menu.
28. If you're setting up these contacts to receive an automatically triggered message from Listrak, please select the external event here.
29. Configure the segmentation field group and segmentation field for your contacts. Please select the segmentation field you set up in step 2.

  • NOTE: You can only add segmentation data to one segment group at a time. To add segmentation data to multiple groups, repeat the above steps to add a second action step.

30. Enter true for segmentation field value.

31. Click Continue.
32. Next, test the Zap. This triggers the sample data, which is sent to your list and Listrak Conductor Conversation, if applicable.
33. Click Send Test to Listrak.

34. Click Finish.

35. Be sure your Zap is turned on and your Listrak Conductor Conversation is live and published, if applicable.

After the Zapier setup is complete, follow the additional steps below to add your Zap ID to Justuno to complete the integration.

36. Copy the Zap ID from the address bar.

37. Navigate back to Justuno.
38. Paste the Zap ID into the popup.
39. Click Save.

Congratulations, you're connected with Zapier!