How to Preview/Share Your Justuno Promotion Design

Email a link of promotion preview to fellow employees, Message employees in the Justuno Preview with notes or change preview from desktop to tablet or different mobile sizes.


At a Glance

1. How to Email a preview link to Employees or Designers

2. How to change between Mobile and Desktop/ Mobile sizes in the Preview

How to Email a Preview link to Employees or Designers

1. Head to your design canvas from the promotions area and click the Options>>Edit Design dropdown next to the desired promotion. 

Rules Tab


2. Once in the design canvas head to the preview mode in the top right.



3. In the preview mode, find the green icon in the right-hand corner and enter the email you would like to share this preview with.




4. Once the design has been shared, your team can message each other IN the preview to discuss changes.



How to change between Mobile and Desktop/Mobile sizes in the Preview

1. Head to the preview mode by following the steps listed above

2. In the left-hand corner, depending on if you are in a desktop/tablet or mobile promotion, you will find the options to preview the design in different sizes
