How to Add Animation Layers to your Justuno Promotion

To embellish your promotions, we have a couple of animations plugins that allow you to create animated promotions; now it's easier to grab users' attention.

At a glance: 

Last update 8/27/2021


Animation is a fantastic way to add a bit of spice to your pop-ups, making them more interesting and augmenting your onsite design. Whether you just want to add a simple effect to one element of a promotion or build an entire custom animation using CSS, the options are endless with Justuno’s design canvas.

Animation is ideally used when you’re trying to capture attention, such as with welcome offers or lead capture pop-ups. It’s also a great way to take an otherwise “simplistic” or “basic” promotion and make it more visually interesting and engaging. Sometimes all that’s needed is some subtle animation to turn a static pop-up into a high-performing one that visitors engage with.

In Texas, they say bigger is better, but with animation, less is definitely more. Try not to go overboard with the effects; it could become too much for your visitors, and drive them away from your website. Unless it works for a holiday or a specific theme for a sale, don’t get too intense. If everything’s animated, then it’s simply not that special and begins to lose its edge.

-read more at the Justuno blog


1. Head to the promotions area and click on the Options menu on the right-hand side of the promotion you would like to edit. Select Edit Design from the menu.

Screenshot 2021-08-27 121034


2. In the design canvas find add layers on the left-hand side, then click plugins, there you will find all of our animations.

Promotion animation GIF


3. After the animation of your choice has been added, find its specific options on the right-hand side under other options.

Animation customization options

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