How is Justuno WCAG Compliant?

How to become ADA compliant using the Justuno settings.

Last update: 03/22/2022

In accordance with the ADA Justuno is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.

Screen readers allow the visually impaired to view the content displayed on their computer screen. A great example of a built-in system would be Accessibility by Apple. There are other applications for browsers such as ChromeVox and ReadAloud for Chrome. The Justuno app works with screen readers to tab through the text, input, CTA, and close fields just as a user would on a website.


Updating the input fields in the Justuno design canvas, outlined below, will ensure your website is WCAG compliant. All Justuno users are responsible, as stated in our TOS, to become ADA compliant.

Step 1: Head to the Justuno design canvas

Step 2: Click on a layer in the design canvas. Any layer that needs to be edited will have the "Accessibility Label" field under input options. Please Note: Justuno text field and close button layers will automatically be read by screen readers and do not need an accessibility label.



Step 3: By default, the email or action layers are the first to be read by a screen reader. To change the order of fields that should be read, use the "tab" order settings. For text fields, you can also change what is announced to a user under these accessibility label settings. Accessibility-Options

Step 4: Once all layers that require you to fill out the Accessibility Label are completed, publish the promotion. Customers using screen readers will be able to scan through the Justuno promotion layers and either input their information or close the promotion.

Step 4: To test, you can use any accessibility app of your choosing. Below is an example of how Accessibility for Apple would work!




  • Most readers will scan the promotion left to right, reading each field when it's highlighted.
  • The first action field (email entry or CTA) will be the first value read by the screen reader unless otherwise defined in the "tab" settings
  • The Justuno close button will be the last layer a screen reader will announce
  • Center promotions will receive focus from the screen readers and customers will be able to use ESC to exit the promotion easily
  • If you use the Justuno tab feature with your promotion, customers will be able to highlight the tab with the screen reader to close the promotion.

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