How to Create a Two Step Form

Creating a Justuno promotion that captures the email and SMS on different screens.

At a glance:


Video walkthrough


Last updated 8/31/2021


With the increased adoption of SMS opt-ins, reports have shown that 70% of people willing to give you their email addresses are also willing to give you their cell phone numbers on a follow-up screen. These two-step lead captures are the best of both worlds since you can not only capture multiple channel opt-ins on a single promotion but can also capture any data entered on the first step in case the visitor is reluctant to continue filling out the form after that.

Here is an example of what this flow will look like:


 Video walkthrough

This is a video walkthrough that uses Klaviyo as an example


  1. Start by creating a lead capture promotion in Justuno.  You can either start with a blank promotion or with one of Justuno's professionally designed templates.  Make sure to proceed to our Design Canvas for the next steps.
  2. If you started with a template that already has a form on it, chances are the form needs to be hooked up to your integration. 
    1. If this is the case, edit the form by selecting any of the form layers in the design and then clicking the Change Form button on the right side. 
    2. If you started with a blank promotion or have already deleted the existing form, you will need to add a new form by clicking the Email Form button under the Add Layer section on the left side. Documentation to connect your dedicated Email Subscription Provider can be found here.
  3. In your form add all of the form fields that will be needed. This will be found in the form builder page. You can add a new custom field or import a field from your ESP.
    form builder

  4. Next, select the form submit button layer and again click the small arrow button next to it and choose to duplicate the layer:
    Screenshot 2021-08-31 150146

  5. Move the duplicated submit button and any desired form fields to the next page by clicking on the arrow:
    Screenshot 2021-08-31 150306
  6. Arrange form so that it first correctly within the design canvas.
  7. Add a Follow up screen so that the user can move to another page after submitting their phone number. This can be used to show a coupon, a thank you page, or any additional details.
  8. Save and publish your promotion.


Looking for more advanced Justuno use cases? Check out our Academy section, where you'll find step by step instructions for how to implement high-converting strategies and best practices for onsite promotions. Justuno Academy