Collect More Information with the Listrak Integration

Covers the Setup process for integrating Listrak with your Justuno Promotion

At a glance

Last update 9/13/2021

TCPA Warning: Please note, to be TCPA compliant you must:
  • Display your SMS capture field on a different screen from your email capture field. *Please see How to Set up a Two-Step Form for instructions to display on separate screens*
  • Cannot require the SMS capture field, it must be an optional field
More information can be found  here

Listrak requires clients to add our IP addresses in their integration section to whitelist. Please make that this is added to avoid communication errors.

Our IP addresses are:


To begin the Listrak integration with Justuno, you will first need to set up your integration within Listrak so that everything is ready to be set up on our end. This guide will walk you through getting everything set up on Listrak and Justuno.

Setting up or finding your Listrak credentials

This step will help you create the integration within Listrak or find your credentials if you already have one setup. 

  • For steps on creating a brand new integration, please review setup A.
  • If you already have an integration, please review setup B.


A. Setting up the new Listrak integration

  1. Must set up for the EMAIL API

    Listrak integration type page

  2. Check the boxes for Lists, Contacts, and Segmentation for the Access Level settings in the integration. 
  3. Add our IP addresses to the Whitelist



B. Locating the Client ID within Listrak
If you already have the integration setup within Listrak but just need to find your Client ID and Client Secret, follow the steps below.

  1. Login to Listrak and use this article to find your credentials: Locate the Client Secret and ID. 
    Login page for listrak

Instructions for integrating a Justuno Promotion to Listrak

1. In the promotions area, click the Options menu on the desired promotion. Select Edit Design from the menu.



2. Click on the email form box, then click on the Change Form button. 



3. Choose Connect Provider 


4. Click Connect ESP Provider 

Connect Provider GIF

5. Scroll down until you see Listrak. 


6. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret. 

Listrak Client ID and Client Secret Page


7. Choose a List.  

Email Lists Page

8. Done! You have successfully integrated your Justuno promotion with Listrak.  

Collecting non-email data in Listrak (optional)

  • Collecting SMS within Listrak

 To collect Phone numbers with the Listrak integration, set up a segmentation field group, and name it Phone with a capital P, or phone, all lowercased. The data type can be text or numeric.   Ensure that this field is connected to each list that you connect to the JU promotion. 



  • Collecting customer fields (e.g., Radio buttons and Checkboxes) 

In JU promotion, you would want to create a custom field or link up the radio button field, make sure that one set of radio buttons is in one field group. And use the same template from Listrak.

Adding Listrak EventIDs to your promotion (optional)

To utilize Listrak events in your subscription first you will need to create some events. These events are list-specific. You will need to log in to your Listrak account and select the list you want to create events for.

 1. Creating an event
Using the top navigation bar in Listrak, go to Automation > External Events. From here you can create a list of specific events. 
Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 2-54-33 PM-png

    Once created, to use within Justuno you will need their event IDs.


    2. Get EventID(s)

    Within Listrak, use the top navigation bar and go to Help & Support > API ID Information. 

    Here you will be able to see your Listrak event IDs.

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3-42-16 PM-png


    3. Add EventID to Justuno form

    Lastly, to use these within Justuno, once you have set up a promotion and connected it with Listrak, on the Form Builder page using the field dropdown, select EventIds.

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3-46-32 PM-png

    You will want to make this a hidden field by clicking the eye icon. Set the default value of this field to a comma-separated list (with no spaces) of the EventIds you want to pass on subscribe.

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3-48-06 PM-png

    As always make sure you save and publish your changes for them to be live!

    Listrak SMS

    1) Before we can set up anything on Justuno, the SMS subscription point will need to be set up within Listrak first. Here is a guide that will be useful in setting this up:

    SMS Subscription Point setup | Listrak

    2) Please set the Subscribe ID and the Subscription Point Name as:



    3)After this is done, a new phone number field can be added in your Justuno form:

    Screenshot 2021-03-19 163641

    With the Subscription Point set, when the phone is captured it will process the info properly. Save and publish the promotion and you should have Listrak SMS properly set up!

    If there are any other questions please reach out to our support team!

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