How to Add an Icon Layer to your Justuno Promotion

Introduces the idea of using icons and covers how to add an icon layer to your Justuno promotion

At a glance:

Last update: 10/07/2021


Icons create a visual cue for your audience to engage with your Justuno promotion.  Try to use the icons sparingly though; too many icons could overwhelm the user. Simple icons resize well on different screen sizes too; from desktops, tablets to smartphones.  Justuno features a plethora of icons that will serve a multitude of purposes. 


1. Head to your promotions area and click the Options menu next to the desired promotion. 

Options menu

2. Under Add Layer, find Icon Layer.

Add icon layer


3. Once the layer has been added you'll find the editing options and different types of icons on the right-hand side.

Icon settings

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